



A three-piece band founded in 2021.

Unique POP music that mixes classical, sounds and electronics with each other's individuality

Vo. Haruka

Gt. Shun Tanabe

Others. Ryo Hinoue

spanner speX




Electronic and Heavy Music



oriental goth feat.dramaqueen

vo,prog. rosier from hell


gt,ba. sasanoitsuki


miho & the overalls

miho & the overalls













miho & the overalls

January 2022: miho's birthday live.
First live performance
Recording and CD release in July.
Recordings and live performances
December: won an audience award at a music competition in Kichijoji.
Won the audience award!

Easy rhythm and catchy melody lines

Listen to the stunning combination of the three!




ジャンル:ROCK FUNK PUNK and lots of other great genres


Vocal, Piano, Drum, Guitar, Bass #Producer "Sunbeams" #PROJECTMAYHAM #Rock #HipHop #Electronic 


L→Dr Sho(support)R→Vo,gt たづ 2017年7月に結成。


たづが動かすエンターテイメント組織。 様々な楽曲をエモーショナルに奏る シンプルなギターと歌声 ドラムの他にない唯一無二の2ピースバンド。


今回、Absolute LIVEで人気の曲で新盤の 「承認欲求」をGet Your Genki Recordsからも配信。 2022年5月25日に 2nd Music Video「僕があの花を好きなのは」は 実在する1人の男性の恋をたづが代弁して書いた楽曲で 既存のファン達や女性は勿論、 沢山の男性の心に届く楽曲と話題に。


L → Dr Sho (support) R → Vo,gt Tazu Formed in July 2017.



Entertainment organisation led by Tazu. A unique two-piece band with a simple guitar, voice and drums, playing a variety of songs with great feeling.

The band's new album 'Approval Desire', a popular song on Absolute LIVE, is now available on Get Your Genki Records.

The 2nd music video "Boku ga anohana wo suki na wa" was written by Tazu in the name of a real man's love, and it has been reviewed as a song that reaches the hearts of many men as well as existing fans and women.




アメリカンポップスを彷彿とさせるメロディに、 90年代オルタナやブリットポップを経由したノスタルジックなサウンドが特徴的。 幅広い音楽性から、飾り気のないポップスへの昇華を志している。


Soundcloudにアップしていた楽曲が台湾の広告代理店のディレクターの目に留まり、 台湾いすずのCMで「Woo-Wah」が抜擢される。 他にも台湾SUZUKIのSwishのCMで「Ready For The Blue」が起用される。


以降、定期的に台湾の人気Youtube番組「木曜4超玩」で楽曲が使用されるなど 国内のみならず少しゆるやかにかなり確実に浸透している予感。


現在はメンバー全員が所帯を持ち働きながら DTMなどを駆使して細々とデジタルリリースで活動中。


HUSH is a rock band formed in Nagoya, Japan.


With a melody reminiscent of American pop, Characterized by nostalgic sound via 90's alternative and Britpop. Aiming to sublimate to simple pop music from a wide range of musicality.

A song uploaded to Soundcloud caught the eye of the director of an advertising agency in Taiwan. "Woo-Wah" is selected for Isuzu's commercial in Taiwan. In addition, "Ready For The Blue" will be used in Taiwan SUZUKI's Swish commercial.

Since then, the song has been regularly used in Taiwan's popular YouTube program "木曜4超玩 ".

Currently, while all the members have their own households and work Active in digital release by making full use of DTM etc.


空白(Ku-Haqq): PfきしのぞみとBa&Gt&cajon&Drの保岡真仁(やすおか・まさひと)との音楽ユニット。 友人が主催したライブハウスで出会い、酒好きと音楽性で意気投合。 2019年3月30日のユニット結成以降、都内のスタジオ、ライブハウスを中心に活動する。 Instrumentを中心に、Pops、Rockなどジャンルや既成概念にとらわれない自由な作風で幅広い楽曲を展開。 2023年自身初の音源となる「Eden」をリリース。                                             きしのぞみ(Kishi Nozomi): 3歳よりピアノ、7歳より作曲を始める。 17 歳で作曲・編曲の個人指導を受け、本格的な創作活動を開始。 22歳より活動拠点を関東に移す。 バイオリンは白尾祐典氏・金有那氏に師事。 現在は複数のバンドやヘルプでも鋭意活動中。 音楽はミスチルやサザンを愛しながら、青春時代はGLAY・L’Arc~en~Cielのために授業を放棄。 (学力が下がる)大学の4 年間は椎名林檎と東京事変に人生を奉げ(学力が下がる)、 石橋楽器に通い詰めて楽器を買いあさる。(就活に乗り遅れる) 楽器は20 年近くお世話になったYAMAHA を裏切り、もっぱらROLAND(ホストじゃないよ)を偏愛中。 都内中心横浜、大阪でライブやってます!是非遊びにいらしてくださいませ~♪                                             保岡真仁(Yasuoka Masahito): 18歳より音楽(ベース)を始める。 社会人になり、なかなかバンドが組めない・続かないこともあり25歳の時にギターを始め、同時に作曲活動も開始。 以降は、カホンやドラムなど状況に応じて楽器を始め今に至る。ソロ名義でも活動中。 (https://www.tunecore.co.jp/artists?id=10299&lang=ja)                             Special Thanks: Artist Illustration by 虚無

ジャンル:インストゥルメンタル, オルタナティブ, ポストロック, ニューエイジ



Ku-Haqq (Ku-Haqq): A music unit with Pf Nozomi Kishi and Masahito Yasuoka (Ba & Gt & cajon & Dr). They met at a live house hosted by a friend and hit it off with their love of drinking and musicality. Since the unit was formed on March 30, 2019, they have been active mainly in studios and live houses in Tokyo. They have developed a wide range of music with a free style that is not bound by genres or preconceived notions, such as Instrument, Pops, and Rock. In 2023, he released "Eden," his first sound source.                                             Kishi Nozomi: Kishi Nozomi began playing piano at the age of 3 and composing music at the age of 7. At the age of 17, she received private instruction in composition and arrangement, and began her creative activities in earnest. At the age of 22, she moved her base of activities to the Kanto area. Studied violin under Yusuke Shirao and Yuna Kim. He is currently active in several bands and helpers. While he loves music such as Miss Chill and Southern, he abandoned his classes for GLAY and L'Arc~en~Ciel in his youth. (He spent his four years of college devoting his life to Sheena Ringo and Tokyo Incidents (which lowered his academic ability), and spent his time at Ishibashi Gakki buying all kinds of musical instruments (which made him miss his job hunting). (He was late for job hunting.) As for musical instruments, he gave up YAMAHA, which he had been using for nearly 20 years, and now loves ROLAND (not the host) exclusively. I play live mainly in Tokyo, Yokohama, and Osaka! Yasuoka Masahito: Started playing music (bass) at the age of 18. After becoming a working adult, he found it difficult to form or continue a band, so he started playing guitar at the age of 25 and started composing music at the same time. He started playing cajon, drums, and other instruments according to the situation. He is also active as a solo artist. (https://www.tunecore.co.jp/artists?id=10299&lang=ja) Special Thanks: Artist Illustration by Emptiness
Genre: Instrumental, Alternative, Post Rock, New Age
Areas of activity: Kanto (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Chiba)




